
关闭所有活动编辑上下文的简单命令示例。 加载后,可以在首选项中指定键盘快捷键>;快捷键 在PC上,我们不能使用CTRL+ESC(因为它是系统快捷键,)…所以我使用了CTRL+(反勾号)。 关闭所有活动项的1.0.3.rb(1.4kb) # encoding: UTF-8## CloseAllActiveEdits.rb## A simple example of creating a contextual UI command to# close all groups and components that are open for editing.module Example# Hello, Great script! I can\"t seem to attribute a keyboard shortcut on Mac (SU 2020). When I press down the keyboard shortcut, the screen is flashing but groups don\"t close, although it works perfectly with mouse contextual menu. Did I miss something? StudioAlto: I can\"t seem to attribute a keyboard shortcut on Mac (SU 2020). What keychord did you choose ? I myself have no Mac so I cannot test or guess the issue is. I did make a tweak to the script and reposted it above. I seems to work fine in SU2020 on MS Windows platform. EDIT: Steve spotted the problem and I\"ve fixed it. The problem is with the / in the name of the command.On Mac it is taken as a path separator in the menu system.That is, \"Close All Groups/Components\" gets mapped into the menu system as \"Edit/Close All Groups/Components\", which leads the shortcut to handle \"Components\" as if it is a submenu below \"Edit/Close All Groups\".Change the / to any other character(s) and all is well (though you have to restart SketchUp to get a new command binding in the menu). At minimum, this is an undesirable inconsistency between Windows and Mac SketchUp.It could be considered to be a bug in the Mac version. as Rubyuses a \"/\" forfile separatoron both platforms, I wouldn\"t consider it a mac bug, but a coding oversight… john I think it\"s a bug because the menu itself doesn\"t break it out as a submenu but the shortcut system treats it as if the menu did.Causes the shortcut to make the \"bonk\" noise for no such command even though the menu works fine. slbaumgartner: The problem is with the / in the name of the command. On Mac it is taken as a path separator in the menu system. Ah. Good and easy fix. Updated the example above and the downloadable file. Thanx Steve! Great! It perfectly works now. It definitely speeds up the design process. Thank you very much Hey Dan et all, I\"m really glad I started this thread. I love your concept of the single key stroke to close all active edits. However, there are times when I want to just move back just a iteration or two so my shortcut is still valid for me. Secondly, can you tell me how/where the script is loaded. The other short cut I use is D for Paste in Place after having Cut out a portion of the drawing. Much faster than Edit/ Paste in Place. I use it to move poorly assigned (tags) portions of the model from one group or component to another. Generally, it helps solve the problem of having an edge that is not erasable without losing one of the faces. For moving the adjoining faces to the same group, this works really well. Further, I use the context menu to make a group or component. I use this function a lot. This solves many issues for me. I use SketchUp to design buildings, so in the heat of battle it\"s easy to pay too little attention to the proper assignments and I often need to go back and straighten things out. cakrupp: I\"m really glad I started this thread. You did not. I DID. (Perhaps you are confused about just what thread you\"re posting in ?) cakrupp: Secondly, can you tell me how/where the script is loaded. If you put it in your %AppData% \"Plugins\" folder, SketchUp will load it upon startup. Paste into your File Explorer address bar: %AppData%/SketchUp/SketchUp 2018/SketchUp/Plugins …然后按ENTER。 很高兴您启动了它。 我假设说SketchUp2018的行应该更改为2020,因为这是我的版本。是的,那是罚单;我编码了2020。 这两行不同的代码都必须加载还是只加载最后一行。你能告诉我对这些编码一无所知吗。当我开始学习电脑会话时,它还停留在穿孔卡片或磁带上!cakrupp: 到2020年,因为那是我的版本cakrupp: 你能告诉我什么都不懂这个编码吗。 也许你可以从这里开始…卡克虏伯: 我假设SketchUp2018应该改为2020年,因为那是我的版本。是的,那是罚单;我编码了2020。 正如@dezmo显示的那样,你的论坛简介让我误入歧途。cakrupp: 这两行不同的代码都必须加载还是只加载最后一行。 我不知道你说的是什么\"两行代码\",因为上面的文件有57行代码。 没有查看实际的代码。只是你的帖子。在你的帖子中似乎有两行不同的内容需要加载以寻求澄清。在你的帖子中似乎有两行不同的内容需要加载 以寻求澄清。 什么帖子? 再次,为了澄清,在这个主题线程中,我只在开头的帖子中发布了代码,其中包含57行,所有的都需要加载。 您无需复制显示的代码…这只适用于那些不希望下载*rb文件的人。 (仅供参考,论坛代码块的窗口高度有限,因此复制时需要将代码块向下滚动到底部。) 相反,您可以下载整个文件并将其放在\"Plugins\"文件夹中



日期:2021-06-26 02:00:03 浏览:579


您好,据我所知,可以在组中添加实体。是否有任何方法可以访问组的特定面(例如:大小为1米、1米、1米的立方体,由6个面组成)并在每个面上应用不同的材料。谢谢这是完全可能的,尽管你需要使用的技巧取决于你对你想要的脸的了解程度油漆。一些示例:- 如果您自己创建了面,您可以立即应用材质>- 如果您知道感兴趣的面已经在组中,您可以检索它们>然后需要决定数组中的哪个面将接收哪个面材料。那个可以通过测试每个面的正常。注意grep将在组中找到所有的面孔,如果有其他人在场的话,这些面孔可能会包含比你想处理的更多的面孔我也是。...

日期:2021-06-26 05:00:05 浏览:717


我已经开始开发一个插件,我希望输入框中的值以当前单位输入。当前如果我指定>如果模型是mm,它就可以工作,但是如果是英寸就不行。如果我只是有了相同的>如果模型是英寸而不是毫米就可以工作。有没有某种自动转换,我可以把@radius的值建立为当前的工作单位?Class:Length 1Class:Numeric 1我很欣赏文档的链接,但我已经了解了这一点,仍然不知道如何转换为当前单位。确保将默认的inputbox维度值设置为Sketchup长度。然后它将自动转换并保存为长度值(以英寸为单位)并以模型单位显示,自动...

日期:2021-06-26 06:00:03 浏览:988



日期:2021-06-26 07:00:04 浏览:744



日期:2021-06-26 07:00:04 浏览:650


从HTML对话框获取值时出现问题。This is callback function at sketchup.add_action_callback(\"receiveValue\") { |not_used, id, val|receive_value(id,val)}def receive_value(id,>I try to get input value like this, but I can\"t get>I can\"t get dlgValues, so I checked the size...

日期:2021-06-26 12:00:03 浏览:812


你好!我正在使用V-Ray自动渲染,但遇到了一个问题,即无法知道渲染何时完成。目前我渲染场景,然后等待20秒,更改模型的材质,然后再次渲染,但如果渲染在5秒内完成,这是一个非常无效的系统。到目前为止,我已经完成了尝试了live_scene.renderer?布尔值和几个VRay::Renderer::IDLE_变量,但没有成功。问题是,在从扩展渲染循环时,布尔值不会更改,因此代码总是超时,即使渲染更快完成。下面是一些示例+=1if i>20puts\"超时渲染\"BreakEndModel.commi...

日期:2021-06-26 14:00:01 浏览:1166

SketchUp rubyapi:将工具栏停靠到其他工具栏


日期:2021-06-26 15:00:04 浏览:814


大家晚上好,我有一张约2000个小表面的图纸,我想分组制作,然后推拉。创建曲面后,如果图形是新的,下面的脚本工作得非常好。当我只选择第二个或第三个曲面时,它仍然运行得很快,但是当我选择了一个并且在脚本中有一个以前创建的组时,它只以一半甚至更少的速度运行,脚本变成\"没有响应\",但最终在后台运行一段时间后它就完成了。即使我重新启动sketchup甚至pc并重新运行脚本,它仍然很慢。当我分解所有组并进行另一个选择时,脚本又变快了。如果我做错了什么,也许有人能告诉我。我的笔记本电脑有16 GB内存,图形卡是,并...

日期:2021-06-26 20:00:05 浏览:633


我正在创建一个进口商。我用实体添加面以及实体添加边导入一个模型,但是要花很多时间。54234个面需要11秒来添加面85417个边需要9秒来添加边这是一个简单的模型。对于复杂模型,创建面和边的时间太长,无法接受。我怎样才能加快速度?谢谢。您是否创建了撤消操作并在操作过程中关闭了UI?- Sketchup::Model#start_operation- Sketchup::Model#commit_operation您是否考虑过创建虚拟多边形网格…- Geom::PolygonMesh4class…然后在操作中...

日期:2021-06-27 00:00:03 浏览:849