Wix 工具集:“由于另一个客户端存在而不允许卸载组件"后完成清理

本文介绍了Wix 工具集:“由于另一个客户端存在而不允许卸载组件"后完成清理的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值



today I found out that my installer does not uninstall correctly anymore. Meaning my app is not shown in control panel anymore after uninstalling from there but all files are still present. I looked at the log files and I see a lot of "disallowing uninstallation of component since another client exists" which afaik means I screwed up..

那么清理我的电脑并防止它在未来发生的最好方法是什么?是什么原因造成的?afaik 未完全卸载我的应用程序的先前版本是导致此错误的原因吗?

So what is the best way to cleanup my pc and to prevent it from happening in the future? What could have caused this? afaik a not completely uninstalled previous version of my app is the reason for this error?

很遗憾,由于各种原因,无法使用 VM..

Unfortunately, using VM is not possible for various reasons..

仅供参考:出于开发和测试目的,我通常使用 1.0.xxxxx 测试和创建安装程序,其中 xxxxx 通常保持不变.我的升级代码总是一样的.此外,我正在使用热量,并且尽可能让 wix 自动生成 GUID.此外,我有一个 CA 在安装后显示我的自述文件,还有一个用于执行批处理文件(使用 powercfg 修改注册表项).卸载后,运行可执行文件以导入 .reg 文件以恢复修改后的注册表项(因为它们将被 wix 卸载).

FYI: For developing and test purposes I usually test and create installer with 1.0.xxxxx where xxxxx often stays the same. My upgradecode is always the same. In addition I am using heat and wherever possible I am letting wix auto-generate GUIDs. Furthermore I have one CA to show my readme file after installation and one to execute a batch file (modifies registry entries using powercfg). Upon uninstall a executable is run to import an .reg file to restore modified registry entries (because they would be uninstalled by wix).


听起来您需要卸载安装了不需要的组件的功能(或整个产品).Windows Installer 有一个用于查询组件、功能和产品的 API.WiX 工具集包含一个名为 DTF 的 API 包装器.您可以使用它按组件查询功能.

It sounds like you need to uninstall the features (or whole products) that have installed your unwanted components. Windows Installer has an API for querying components, features and products. The WiX Toolset has incorporated a wrapper around the API called DTF. You can use it to query features by component.

所以,打开你最喜欢的 .NET 脚本运行器(我的是 LINQPad)并运行询问.例如,要了解如何删除candle.exe":

So, break out your favorite .NET script runner (mine is LINQPad) and run a query. For example, to find out how to remove "candle.exe":

// using System.Linq;
// using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;

// <ref>"C:Program Files (x86)WiX Toolset v3.8SDK

    .Where(c=>c.State == InstallState.Local)
    .Where(c => c.Path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(@"candle.exe"))
    .SelectMany(c => c.ClientProducts
        .SelectMany(p => p.Features.Where(f => f.Usage.UseCount > 0)
            .Select(f => new {

LINQPad 即时分享

然后,运行 msiexec/x 删除产品的所有功能

Then, run msiexec /x <ProductCode> to remove all the features of the products

msiexec/i REMOVE=<FeatureName> 仅删除安装组件的功能.

or msiexec /i <LocalPackage> REMOVE=<FeatureName> to remove just the features that installed the component.

这篇关于Wix 工具集:“由于另一个客户端存在而不允许卸载组件"后完成清理的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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