UITableViewCell 删除按钮被覆盖

本文介绍了UITableViewCell 删除按钮被覆盖的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值



多亏了来自Evgeny S"的信息,我已经能够确定覆盖删除按钮的是单元格背景.我在单元格初始化的开头调用了以下函数:

Thanks to information from "Evgeny S" I've been able to determine that what is covering up the delete button is the cell background. I had the following function called at the beginning of cell init:

- (void) setupGradientsWithHeight:(int) the_height
    CAGradientLayer* gradient = [CAGradientLayer layer];

    gradient.frame  = CGRectMake(self.bounds.origin.x,

    gradient.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                       (id)[UIColor colorWithRed:218.0f/255.0f
                       (id)[UIColor colorWithRed:180.0f/255.0f

    UIView* bgview = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1)];

    [bgview.layer addSublayer:gradient];
    [self setBackgroundView:bgview];


The problem is solved by NOT adding the backgroundview. However, I'm wondering how it might be solved while preserving the gradient background for each cell?

可能发生两件事之一.当删除按钮出现时,背景视图要么被移动然后返回 - 或者它的大小正在减小然后返回.我尝试弄乱渐变框架的宽度组件self.bounds.size.width",但我仍然没有看到这会如何影响事情,因为此函数仅在单元格初始化时调用一次.

One of two things could be happening. When the delete button appears the background view is either being shifted and then back - or its size is being decreased and then back. I tried messing with the width component "self.bounds.size.width" for the gradient frame but I still don't see how that could be affecting things because this function is only called once at cell initialization.


我在 iOS6 SDK 下的 Xcode4 中创建了一个应用程序 - 但是在新环境(Xcode5 和 iOS7 SDK)中加载后我遇到了问题.请注意,我已经解决了进行转换时出现的所有构建错误和警告.

I had created an App in Xcode4 under iOS6 SDK - but after loading things up in the new environment (Xcode5 and iOS7 SDK) I ran into a problem. Note that I have resolved all build errors and warnings that came up when making the transition.

我有一个包含一些单元格的表格视图.进入编辑模式后,如果单击红色切换按钮启动单元格的删除模式 - 动画开始并出现删除"按钮 - 但只是短暂的,然后突然重新隐藏.

I have a tableview with some cells. After entering edit mode, if one clicks the red toggle button to initiate delete mode for a cell - the animation begins and the "Delete" button appears - but only briefly and is then suddenly re-hidden.

我应该注意的另一件奇怪的事情是,即使删除按钮被覆盖 - 您仍然可以单击它应该在的位置并删除单元格.

Another strange thing I should note is that even while the delete button is covered up - you can still click where it should be and delete the cell.

我已尝试删除尽可能多的自定义代码",删除了已覆盖的函数,并尝试将事情尽可能恢复到原始状态 - 但无济于事.

I've tried to take out as much of my "custom code" as possible, I've removed functions that I had overridden and tried to take things back to an original state as possible - but to no avail.


At one point I had seen a strange message in the output log: "attempting to set a swipe to delete cell when we already have one....that doesn't seem good". For some reason the message is on longer appearing and I can't seem to remember what I was doing at the time.


Any thoughts or recommendations on what might be causing this?



这是 iOS 7 中无数错误之一.

This is one of countless bugs in iOS 7.

出于某种原因,iOS 将 backgroundView 移动到删除按钮上.您可以通过子类化 backgroundView 并实现派生视图的 setFrame 函数来解决此问题,如下所示:

For some reason the backgroundView is moved by iOS over the delete button. You can work-around this by subclassing your backgroundView and implementing the setFrame function of your derived view like this:

- (void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame
    if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:@"7.0" options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending) {
        // background view covers delete button on iOS 7 !?!
        [super setFrame:CGRectMake(0, frame.origin.y, frame.size.width, frame.size.height)];
    } else {
        [super setFrame:frame];

附带说明:您可以通过在派生视图中子类化和实现 layerClass 来避免需要单独的子层:

As a side note: you can avoid the need for a separate sublayer by subclassing and implementing layerClass in your derived view:

+ (Class)layerClass
    return [CAGradientLayer class];

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