data.frame 列的子集以最大化“完整";观察

本文介绍了data.frame 列的子集以最大化“完整";观察的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值


我有一个数据框,其中包含大约 20 个数字列,每个列都包含大量的 NA 值.我想选择这些列的一个子集,这将为我提供包含零 NA 值的最多行.详尽的搜索会花费大量的计算时间——有没有更好的方法来获得近似值?

I have a data frame with on the order of 20 numeric columns, each containing significant amounts of NA values. I would like to select a subset of these columns that will give me the most rows containing zero NA values. An exhaustive search would take a lot of computing time--is there a better way to get an approximation?


Here is an example with a smaller data frame (completely arbitrary):

foo =, nr = 20))
foo[sapply(foo, function(x) x > abs(x[1]))] = NA
foo = foo[-1, ]

round(foo, 3)

       V1     V2     V3     V4     V5     V6     V7     V8     V9    V10
2   0.185 -1.200 -1.959     NA -1.696  0.261  0.139  0.410 -0.638 -1.262
3      NA  1.590 -0.842 -0.703 -0.533 -0.314     NA -0.807 -0.268  0.392
4  -1.130  1.955     NA  0.158 -1.372 -0.750 -0.431  0.086  0.360 -1.131
5  -0.080  0.005     NA  0.506 -2.208 -0.862 -1.044     NA -1.313  0.544
6   0.132 -2.452     NA -0.820     NA     NA  0.538 -0.654 -0.884     NA
7   0.708  0.477 -0.305 -1.999 -0.653  0.940 -0.670     NA     NA  0.025
8  -0.240 -0.597 -0.091 -0.479 -0.285     NA  0.639  0.550 -2.099  0.515
9      NA  0.792 -0.184  0.084 -0.387 -0.421 -1.724 -0.807 -1.239 -0.654
10 -0.139  0.290 -1.199 -0.895  0.387 -0.351 -1.742 -0.997     NA  0.504
11  0.418  0.739 -0.838 -0.921     NA -1.027  0.690     NA     NA -1.272
12     NA  0.319     NA  0.330     NA -0.251  0.331 -0.169     NA -0.077
13 -0.393  1.076 -0.562 -0.142 -1.184  0.472  0.871     NA  0.057 -1.345
14 -1.040 -0.284     NA  0.435 -1.358     NA -2.016 -0.844  0.324 -0.266
15     NA -0.777 -1.048 -0.054 -1.513  0.564  1.213     NA -0.905     NA
16 -2.311 -0.596 -1.966 -0.907 -1.253  0.456  1.200 -1.343 -0.652  0.701
17  0.879 -1.726 -0.323  1.304     NA     NA  1.032     NA -0.262 -0.443
18  0.036 -0.903     NA  0.772  0.008     NA  0.786  0.464 -0.935 -0.789
19     NA -0.559     NA  1.053 -0.843  0.107     NA  0.268     NA -0.857
20  0.432 -0.247     NA -1.410 -0.601 -0.783 -1.454     NA -1.624 -0.746

[1]  1 10


Here is how I've formulated an exhaustive search:

best.list = list()
for (i in 5:ncol(foo)) {
    # get best subset for each size
    collist = combn(ncol(foo), i)
    numobs = apply(collist, 2, function(x) nrow(na.omit(foo[, x])))
    cat("for subset size", i, "most complete obs is", max(numobs), "
    best = which(numobs == max(numobs))[1]
    best.list = c(best.list, list(collist[, best]))

例如,best.list[[1]] 告诉我,如果我保留 5 列,我可以有 12 个完整的观察结果(NA 为零的行),并且第 1、2、4 列, 7 和 10 是我应该选择的.

For example, best.list[[1]] tells me that if I keep 5 columns I can have 12 complete observations (rows with zero NAs), and that columns 1, 2, 4, 7, and 10 are the ones I should choose.

虽然这适用于非常小的数据帧,但对于较大的数据帧,它很快就会变得令人望而却步.R中有没有办法有效地估计给定大小的最佳子集?我唯一能找到的是 subselect 包,虽然我不知道如何针对手头的问题实现它的方法.

While this works for very small data frames, it quickly becomes prohibitive with larger ones. Is there a way in R to efficiently estimate the best subset of a given size? The only thing I've been able to find is the subselect package, though I can't figure out how to implement its methods for the problem at hand.


不确定这是否是完整的解决方案,但如果您想要快速的结果,data.table 和阴影矩阵是最可能的成分.

Not sure if this is the complete solution, but if you want fast results, data.table and a shadow matrix are the most probable ingredients.

df = data.table(foo) # your foo dataframe, converted to data.table

y = sort(df[,lapply(.SD, function(x) sum(]) # nr of NA in columns, increasing
setcolorder(df, names(y)) # now the columns are ordered - less NA first

df[, idx := rowSums(] # count nr of NA in rows
df = df[order(idx),] # sort by nr of NA in rows
df[, idx := NULL] # idx not needed anymore
# now your data.table is sorted: columns with least NA to the left,  
# rows with with least NA on top

# shadow matrix
x= data.table(abs(!  # 0 = NA value
y =
y = y[,lapply(.SD, cumprod)]
y =
y[,lapply(.SD, sum)] 

# nr of complete cases from column selections:
# V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
# 1: 19 18 16 14 11 10  7  5  2   1

这篇关于data.frame 列的子集以最大化“完整";观察的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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