C#(单声道)Linux Web 服务器托管,跨线程具有一致的静态变量

本文介绍了C#(单声道)Linux Web 服务器托管,跨线程具有一致的静态变量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值


是否有人知道 C#(单声道)Linux 网络服务器托管配置,它可以跨线程实现一致的静态变量(即不是每个线程的实例的 CGI 模型)?

Does anybody know of a C# (mono) Linux web server hosting configuration that enables consistent static variables across threads (ie not the CGI model of an instance per thread)?


我有一些 c#(单声道)代码,我们需要将它们作为简单 Web 应用程序的一部分托管在 linux 上.我们不需要任何传统的 asp 甚至 asp.net mvc 功能,实际上我们只需要基于共享静态变量以动态内容响应特定 url 的能力.

I have some c# (mono) code that we need to host on linux as part of a simple web app. We don't need any traditional asp or even asp.net mvc features, really we just need the ability to respond to specific urls with dynamic content based on shared static variables.

静态变量:我们确实有一个特殊要求是我们需要静态变量来在所有传入请求中保留它们的值(就像它们在具有 ASP.net mvc 应用程序的 Windows 上所做的一样).托管像 Apache mod_mono 这样的单声道 c# Web 应用程序的常用方法似乎使用每个线程的 c# 应用程序实例"模型,其中我们的 c# 应用程序有多个独立的实例,每个实例都有自己的静态变量.这是我们需要避免的问题.我需要一种托管 c# 应用程序的方法,该应用程序为一个通用应用程序提供一组共享的静态变量,所有传入请求都将看到这些变量.如果应用程序回收时静态变量被重置(就像在正常的 IIS/MVC 中一样),只要回收不频繁,就可以了.

Static Variables: The one special requirement we do have is that we need static variables to retain their value across all incoming requests (the same way they do on windows with an ASP.net mvc application). Common ways of hosting a mono c# web app like Apache mod_mono appear to use an 'c# application instance per thread' model where there would be multiple independent instances of our c# application each with their own static variables. That is the problem we need to avoid. I need a way of hosting a c# application that provides one common app with a shared set of static variables that all incoming requests will see. It is ok if when the app recycles that the static variables get reset (just like in normal IIS/MVC), so long as recycles are infrequent.

背景是这个 Web 应用需要在 RAM 中以静态变量的形式保存大量数据,并快速回答有关该数据的问题.为每个线程打开应用程序的副本会过多地限制 RAM 资源,并且频繁地将数据重新加载到内存中会使应用程序太慢(偶尔的回收,如 IIS/Asp.net MVC 就可以了).该系统在 Windows/IIS7 上运行得非常好(每秒 50,000+ 个动态请求),我们想要更改此架构,因此我正在寻找的答案与托管而不是更改应用程序设计有关.

The background is that this web app needs to hold a large amount of data in RAM in a static variable and rapidly answer questions about that data. Having a copy of the app open for each thread would limit RAM resources too much and reloading the data into memory frequently would make the app too slow (occasional recycles like IIS/Asp.net MVC has are fine). The system works amazingly well on Windows/IIS7 (50,000+ dynamic requests per second) and we do not want change this architecture, so the answer I'm looking for relates to hosting not changing the application design.


mod_mono 不会为每个新的 Web 请求生成新的单声道进程.如果您将 fastcgi 服务器与 apache 或 nginx 一起使用,也不会.

mod_mono does not spawn a new mono process for each new web request. Neither does it if you use the fastcgi server along with apache or nginx.

静态变量在同一个应用程序域内共享.这适用于 Microsoft .NET IIS 和 mono(无论您使用的是 mod_mono、xsp 还是 mono-fastcgi-server).即使 apache 产生多个工作线程并且单个请求由单个工作线程处理,在任何给定时间也只有一个单进程运行(除非您配置了多个 asp.net 应用程序,那么每个应用程序都有一个).

Static variables are shared within the same Application Domain. This holds true for Microsoft .NET IIS and for mono (no matter if you are using mod_mono, xsp or mono-fastcgi-server). Even so apache spawns multiple worker threads and a single request is handled by a single worker thread, there is only a single mono process running at any given time (except if you have configured multiple asp.net applications, then there is one per application).

Mono 也尝试实现 100% 与 ASP.NET 的兼容性,因此设计上没有不同的行为!

Mono tries to achieve 100% compatibility for ASP.NET as well, so there is no different behaviour by design!

您的程序在 linux 上的不同行为很可能与 mod_mono 处理请求的方式无关,而是与 mono 本身或您的代码中的错误有关(即通过做出在 linux 上不成立的平台假设).您应该真正使用 MonoDevelop/xsp 进行调试,并尝试更清楚地查明问题,或者在此处粘贴一些示例代码.

The different behaviour of your program on linux is most likely not related to how mod_mono handles requests, but rather a bug in mono itself, or your code (i.e. by making a platform assumption that does not hold true on linux). You should really debug using MonoDevelop/xsp and try to pinpoint the problem more clearly, or paste some sample code here.

这篇关于C#(单声道)Linux Web 服务器托管,跨线程具有一致的静态变量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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