


有人可以向我解释聊天轮盘背后的架构吗?我在考虑一个类似的项目,它只会实现音频支持(对于初学者).这是设置闪存服务器的最佳方法吗?如果是这样,我应该如何进入 Flash,我需要 flex 4 吗?一世有一些 c++、c# 和 java 的初学者经验,但我从来没有为网络开发任何东西.

Could somebody explain to me the architecture behind chatroulette? I was thinking about a similar project that would only implement Audio support (for starters). Is the best way to set this up a flash server? If so, how should I go about getting into flash, will I need flex 4? I have some beginner experience with c++, c# and java but I have never developed anything for the web.


I was also wondering how the randomizer matches up the participants. How would you code something like this.


Im obviously pretty clueless here and I'd greatly appreciate some advice regarding this problem -- I don't expect copy and paste solutions. It would just be nice to hear how you guys would tackle this problem.



AFAIK ChatRoulette 在代号为 Stratus 的 Flash Player 10.1 中使用一组新的 API,它允许 Flash Player 实例之间的点对点连接.

AFAIK ChatRoulette uses a new set of API's in Flash Player 10.1 codenamed Stratus, which allows for peer-to-peer connections between Flash Player instances.

因此,不是将视频和音频流推送到特殊的流媒体服务器,而是共享 FMS 或 Red5 唯一 ID,并且对等点直接相互连接.

So instead of the video and audio streams being pushed up to a special streaming server, like FMS or Red5 unique ID's are shared and peers connect directly to each other.

这有很大可能减少服务器负载,用于事件的实时流传输,其中 1 个连接到服务器流的连接可以在近邻之间共享.

This has great possibilities to reduce server load for live streaming of events where 1 connection to a server stream can be shared between near neighbours.

如果 Stratus 不直接在对等节点之间推送流,您能想象像 ChatRoulette 这样的托管费用吗?!

Can you imagine the hosting bills for something like ChatRoulette if Stratus wasn't pushing the streams directly between the peers?!

如果您有兴趣了解更多信息,请查看 Stratus 关于 Adob​​e 小伙子的部分:http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/stratus/

If you're interested in knowing more check out Stratus' section on Adobe lads: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/stratus/



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