



I'm developing a client/server application in golang, and there are certain logical entities that exist both on client and server(the list is limited)


I would like to ensure certain code for this entities is included ONLY in the server part but NOT in the client(wise versa is nice, but not so important).

天真的想法是依靠死代码消除,但根据我的简短研究,这不是处理任务的可靠方法...... go build 根本不会从事实上它可能是通过反射使用的(没有人关心它不是,也没有选项可以调整它)

The naive thought would be to rely on dead code elimination, but from my brief research it's not a reliable way to handle the task... go build simply won't eliminate dead code from the fact that it may have been used via reflection(nobody cares that it wasn't and there is no option to tune this)


More solid approach seems to be splitting code in different packages and import appropriately, this seems reliable but over-complicates the code forcing you to physically split certain entities between different packages and constantly keep this in mind...


And finally there are build tags allowing to have multiple files under the same package built conditionally for client and server


The motivation with using build tags is that I want to keep code as clean as possible without introducing any synthetic entities


Use case: there are certain cryptography routines, client works with public key, server operates with private... Code logically belongs to the same entity


What option would you choose and why?


这个死代码消除"已经——部分——由 go 工具完成.go 工具不包含导入包中的所有内容,只包含需要的内容(或者更准确地说:它排除了可以证明无法访问的内容).

This "dead code elimination" is already done–partly–by the go tool. The go tool does not include everything from imported packages, only what is needed (or more precisely: it excludes things that it can prove unreachable).


package main; import _ "fmt"; func main() {}

与以下相比,生成的可执行二进制文件小了近 300KB(在 Windows amd64 上):

results in almost 300KB smaller executable binary (on windows amd64) compared to the following:

package main; import "fmt"; func main() {fmt.Println()}

可排除的东西包括函数、类型甚至未导出和导出的变量.这是可能的,因为即使使用反射,您也不能仅通过将名称作为 string 值来调用函数或实例化"类型或引用包变量.所以也许你不应该担心那么多.

Excludable things include functions, types and even unexported and exported variables. This is possible because even with reflection you can't call a function or "instantiate" types or refer to package variables just by having their names as a string value. So maybe you shouldn't worry about it that much.

随着 Go 1.7 的发布,它变得更好:阅读博客文章:较小的 Go 1.7 二进制文件

With Go 1.7 released, it is even better: read blog post: Smaller Go 1.7 binaries


So if you design your types and functions well, and you don't create "giant" registries where you enumerate functions and types (which explicitly generates references to them and thus renders them unexcludable), compiled binaries will only contain what is actually used from imported packages.

我不建议对此类问题使用构建标记.通过使用它们,您将有额外的责任自己维护包/文件依赖项,否则由 go 工具完成.

I would not suggest to use build tags for this kind of problem. By using them, you'll have an extra responsibility to maintain package / file dependencies yourself which otherwise is done by the go tool.


You should not design and separate code into packages to make your output executables smaller. You should design and separate code into packages based on logic.


I would go with separating stuffs into packages when it is really needed, and import appropriately. Because this is really what you want: some code intended only for the client, some only for the server. You may have to think a little more during your design and coding phase, but at least you will see the result (what actually belongs / gets compiled into the client and into the server).



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