我可以在同一台机器上运行多个版本的谷歌浏览器吗?(Mac 或 Windows)

本文介绍了我可以在同一台机器上运行多个版本的谷歌浏览器吗?(Mac 或 Windows)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值


这个绝妙的答案表明无法在一台机器上运行多个版本的 Google Chrome.

This fabulous answer suggests there’s no way to run multiple versions of Google Chrome on one machine.

您时不时地会遇到网站用户卡在旧版 Chrome 上的情况(不知道是怎么回事,但确实发生了 — 也许他们安装了 独立版本?)有问题,您需要能够验证它.如果没有浏览器版本,就很难做到这一点.

Every now and then you’ll get a website user stuck on an old version of Chrome (no idea how, but it happens — maybe they installed the standalone version?) with an issue, and you need to be able to verify it. Bit difficult to do that without their browser version around.


Does anyone know if there’s actually a way to do this? I.e.

  1. 获取旧版 Google Chrome 的安装程序(Google 似乎对版本保持沉默,这对用户来说非常有用,但对于试图支持旧版本的开发者来说不太好)
  2. 在一台机器上运行两个版本的谷歌浏览器


在评论中,我 提到 一种可轻松并行安装多个 Chrome 版本的分步方法.这个答案引用了我的原始答案,并包含一个脚本,可以为您完成这项工作.

In the comments, I mentioned a step-by-step method to easily install multiple Chrome versions, side-by-side. This answer quotes my original answer, and includes a script which does the job for you.

引自: 跨浏览器测试:一台机器上的所有主要浏览器:

Quoted from: section 7 of Cross-browser testing: All major browsers on ONE machine:

Chrome:可以从 File Hippo 下载独立安装程序一>.也可以运行多个 Chrome 版本并排.

Chrome: Stand-alone installers can be downloaded from File Hippo. It is also possible to run multiple Chrome versions side-by-side.

虽然可以使用 Sandboxie,但是建议使用 next native 方法以运行多个版本并排.

Although Sandboxie can be used, it's recommended to use the next native method in order to run multiple versions side-by-side.

  1. File Hippo 下载所需的版本.
  2. 创建一个主目录,例如C:Chrome.
  3. 提取安装程序(=不安装),使用7-Zip 例如.解压后,一个 chrome.7z 存档是创建.也提取这个文件,并下降创建的 Chrome-bin目录.现在,您会看到 chrome.exe 和类似 18.0.1025.45 的目录.把chrome.exe移动到18.0.1025.45,然后把这个目录移动到C:Chrome.Chrome-bin 中的剩余文件可以安全地已删除.
  4. 为每个版本创建一个快捷方式:

  1. Download the desired version(s) from File Hippo.
  2. Create a main directory, e.g. C:Chrome.
  3. Extract the installer (=without installing), using 7-Zip for example. After extracting, a chrome.7z archive is created. Also extract this file, and descend the created Chrome-bin directory. Now, you see chrome.exe and a dir like 18.0.1025.45. Move chrome.exe to 18.0.1025.45, then move this directory to C:Chrome. The remaining files in Chrome-bin can safely be deleted.
  4. Create a shortcut for each version:

"C:Chrome18.0.1024.45chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="..User Data18" --chrome-version=18.0.1025.45


  • "C:Chrome18.0.1024.45chrome.exe" •这是启动器
  • --user-data-dir="..User Data18" •用户配置文件,相对于 chrome.exe 的位置.你也可以有使用 --user-data-dir="C:ChromeUser Data18" 以获得相同的效果.最低 Chrome 版本设置首选项,并为每个 Chrome 版本复制用户配置文件.旧版 Chrome拒绝使用新版本的用户配置文件.
  • --chrome-version=18.0.1025.45 •二进制文件的位置:
    • 位置(例如 18.0.1025.45)必须是目录的名称:
    • 必须以数字开头和结尾.中间可能会出现一个点.
    • 数字不一定要与真实版本号匹配(尽管使用真实版本号很方便......).
    • "C:Chrome18.0.1024.45chrome.exe" • This is the launcher
    • --user-data-dir="..User Data18" • User profile, relative to the location of chrome.exe. You could also have used --user-data-dir="C:ChromeUser Data18" for the same effect. Set your preferences for the lowest Chrome version, and duplicate the User profile for each Chrome version. Older Chrome versions refuse to use User profiles from new versions.
    • --chrome-version=18.0.1025.45Location of binaries:
      • The location (eg 18.0.1025.45) must be the name of the directory:
      • Must start and end with a number. A dot may appear in between.
      • The numbers do not necessarily have to match the real version number (though it's convenient to use real version numbers...).


      Regarding configuration: All preferences can be set at chrome://settings/. I usually change the home page and "Under the hood" settings.

      (此答案的旧版本指的是旧版 Chrome 的 Old Apps,但它们不再通过 UI 提供直接下载链接.这些文件仍然存在,我创建了一个 shell 脚本 (bash) 来简化 Chrome 版本本地存储库的创建 - 请参阅 https://gist.github.com/Rob--W/8577499)

      (the old version of this answer referred to Old Apps for old Chrome versions, but they do not offer direct download links any more through the UI. The files do still exist, I've created a shell script (bash) to ease the creation of a local repository of Chrome versions - see https://gist.github.com/Rob--W/8577499)

      创建了一个 VB 脚本,用于安装配置 Chrome(在 XP 和 Win 7 中测试).启动脚本,并出现一个文件对话框(或:将 chrome 安装程序拖放到 VBS 上).选择 Chrome 安装程序的目标位置,脚本会自动解压缩文件并从预先配置的基本目录中复制配置文件.

      I've created a VB script which installs and configures Chrome (tested in XP and Win 7). Launch the script, and a file dialog appears (or: Drag & drop the chrome installer on the VBS). Select the destination of the Chrome installer, and the script automatically unpacks the files and duplicates the profile from a pre-configured base directory.


      1. Chrome 二进制文件位于 C:Chrome 的子文件夹中.
      2. 用户配置文件在 C:ChromeUser Data 中创建.
      3. 将从 sFolderChromeUserDataDefault 变量中指定的目录中复制用户配置文件,默认情况下该目录为 C:ChromeUser Data2.
        首次安装 Chrome 后,设置您的首选项(主页、书签等).然后修改源代码中的变量(见3.).之后,安装和配置 Chrome 就像馅饼一样简单.
      1. The Chrome binaries are placed in subfolders of C:Chrome.
      2. The User profiles are created in C:ChromeUser Data.
      3. The user profiles will be duplicated from the directory as specified in the sFolderChromeUserDataDefault variable, which is C:ChromeUser Data2 by default.
        After the first Chrome installation, set your preferences (Home page, bookmarks, ..). Then modify the variable (see 3.) in the source code. After that, installing and configuring Chrome is as easy as pie.

      唯一的依赖项是 7-zip,预计位于 C:Program Files7-zip7z.exe.

      The only dependency is 7-zip, expected to be located at C:Program Files7-zip7z.exe.

      这篇关于我可以在同一台机器上运行多个版本的谷歌浏览器吗?(Mac 或 Windows)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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