对 Selenium 测试人员使用 Marionette FirefoxDriver 而不是旧的 Selenium FirefoxDriver 有什么好处?

本文介绍了对 Selenium 测试人员使用 Marionette FirefoxDriver 而不是旧的 Selenium FirefoxDriver 有什么好处?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值


上周有很多关于这个名为 Marionette 的新 FirefoxDriver 的噪音.为了将 Firefox 与 Selenium 一起使用,我们曾经使用旧的"Selenium FirefoxDriver.从 Firefox 48.0 开始,将需要使用 Mozilla 开发的这个新的 FirefoxDriver.

Last weeks there has been a lot of noise about this new FirefoxDriver called Marionette. To use Firefox with Selenium, we used to use the "old" Selenium FirefoxDriver. From Firefox 48.0 onwards it is going to be required to use this new FirefoxDriver developed by Mozilla.

我知道需要改变这个方向才能让每个浏览器都支持和开发其驱动程序,并使驱动程序独立于 Selenium.此外,如果 Mozilla 开发自己的驱动程序,应该可以更快更容易地修复问题和开发功能.

I understand it is required to change to that direction to get every browser supports and develops its drivers and to get drivers independent of Selenium. Besides, it is supposed if Mozilla develops its own driver, it will be faster and easier to fix issues and to develop features.

我的问题是,对于那些使用 Selenium 框架创建自动化测试的人来说,使用 Marionette 而不是旧的"Selenium 支持的 FirefoxDriver 有什么好处吗? _(例如更好的性能,更好的兼容性...)

My question is, for those who create automated tests using Selenium framework, is there any benefit of using Marionette instead of the "old" Selenium supported FirefoxDriver? _(Such as a better performance, a better compatibility...)


使用 Mozilla 提供的、基于 Marionette 的 Geckodriver 解决方案的主要优势是它适用于 Firefox 48 及更高版本.Selenium 项目提供和维护的旧驱动程序不适用于 Firefox 48 或更高版本,并且永远不适用于这些版本的 Firefox.

The main advantage for using the Mozilla-provided, Marionette-based Geckodriver solution is that it works for versions of Firefox 48 and higher. The legacy driver provided and maintained by the Selenium project doesn't work for Firefox 48 or higher, and will never work for those versions of Firefox.

旧驱动程序是作为 Firefox 扩展实现的.当 WebDriver 启动 Firefox 时,此扩展安装在驱动程序使用的配置文件中.Firefox 48 引入了两个禁用此浏览器扩展的新功能.第一个是所谓的电解"功能,或多进程Firefox.Electrolysis 改变了扩展程序必须处理浏览器的方式,而 Selenium 团队还没有花时间完全理解.

The legacy driver is implemented as a Firefox extension. This extension is installed in the profile used by the driver when WebDriver launches Firefox. Firefox 48 introduced two new features that disabled this browser extension. The first is the so-called "electrolysis" feature, or multiprocess Firefox. Electrolysis changes the way extensions have to deal with the browser in ways the Selenium team has not taken the time to fully understand.

第二个更重要的要求是所有浏览器扩展必须由 Mozilla 签名,然后浏览器才会允许它们加载.后一个功能已经在 Firefox 的几个版本中出现,但从 48 开始,它不能再被禁用.WebDriver 浏览器扩展为 Firefox 浏览器引入了几个有效的安全问题,因此不会由 Mozilla 的安全团队签名.反过来,这会使扩展无法运行,因此 Selenium 无法再与 Firefox 通信.基于 Marionette 的解决方案首先由 Mozilla 开发和维护,他们有幸用于自动化 Firefox,因此承诺它将继续与未来版本一起工作.

The second, more important requirement is that all browser extensions must be signed by Mozilla before the browser will allow them to load. This latter feature has been in Firefox for several versions, but beginning with 48, it can no longer be disabled. The WebDriver browser extension introduces several valid security concerns for the Firefox browser, and as such, will not be signed by Mozilla's security team. This, in turn, renders the extension inoperable, and thus Selenium can no longer communicate with Firefox. The Marionette-based solution, being developed and maintained by Mozilla in the first place, is blessed by them for use in automating Firefox, and as such carries a commitment that it will continue to work with future versions moving forward.

因此,在 Firefox 48 及更高版本中使用 Marionette 的主要好处是它可以工作,而其他解决方案则不行.

So the primary benefit of using Marionette with Firefox 48 and higher is that it will work, whereas other solutions won't.

这篇关于对 Selenium 测试人员使用 Marionette FirefoxDriver 而不是旧的 Selenium FirefoxDriver 有什么好处?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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