


在 Python 中,ssl.wrap_socket 可以从文件中读取证书,ssl.wrap_socket 需要证书作为文件路径.

In Python, ssl.wrap_socket can read certificates from files, ssl.wrap_socket require the certificate as a file path.

如何使用从字符串变量中读取的证书启动 SSL 连接?

How can I start an SSL connection using a certificate read from string variables?

我使用的是 Python 2.7.
我将证书存储在 MySQL 中并作为字符串读取.

My host environment does not allow write to files, and tempfile module is not functional
I'm using Python 2.7.
I store the certificate inside MySQL and read as a string.


I gave up, this is basically require implement ssl by pure python code, this is beyond my current knowledge.


看源码, ssl.wrap_socket 直接调用本机代码 (openssl) 函数 SSL_CTX_use_cert_chain_file ,它需要文件的路径,所以你想做什么做是不可能的.

Looking at the source, ssl.wrap_socket calls directly into the native code (openssl) function SSL_CTX_use_cert_chain_file which requires a path to a file, so what you are trying to do is not possible.


在 ssl/init.py 中我们看到:

In ssl/init.py we see:

def wrap_socket(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None,
                server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE,
                ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None,

    return SSLSocket(sock, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile,
                   server_side=server_side, cert_reqs=cert_reqs,
                   ssl_version=ssl_version, ca_certs=ca_certs,

将我们指向 SSLSocket 构造函数(在同一个文件中),我们看到以下情况发生:

Points us to the SSLSocket constructor (which is in the same file) and we see the following happen:

self._sslobj = _ssl2.sslwrap(self._sock, server_side,
                                     keyfile, certfile,
                                     cert_reqs, ssl_version, ca_certs)

_ssl2 是用 C (_ssl2.c) 实现的

_ssl2 is implemented in C (_ssl2.c)

查看 sslwrap 函数,我们看到它正在创建一个新对象:

Looking at the sslwrap function, we see it's creating a new object:

    return (PyObject *) newPySSLObject(Sock, key_file, cert_file,
                                       server_side, verification_mode,
                                       protocol, cacerts_file);


Looking at the constructor for that object, we eventually see:

            ret = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(self->ctx,

那个函数是在 openssl 中定义的,所以现在我们需要切换到那个代码库.

That function is defined in openssl, so now we need to switch to that codebase.


In ssl/ssl_rsa.c we eventually find in the function:


如果你深入研究 BIO 代码(openssl 的一部分),你最终会得到一个普通的 fopen():

If you dig far enough into the BIO code (part of openssl) you'll eventually come to a normal fopen():


所以它看起来像当前编写的那样.它必须位于可由 C 的 fopen() 打开的文件中.

So it looks like as it's currently written. It must be in a file openable by C's fopen().

此外,由于 python 的 ssl 库如此迅速地跳转到 C,我也没有在解决方法中看到一个立即明显的地方可以使用monkeypatch.

Also, since python's ssl library so quickly jumps into C, I don't see a immediately obvious place to monkeypatch in a workaround either.



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