


我正在尝试使用 python 自动化一个过程.如果我只是在终端中,则工作流程如下所示:

I'm trying to automate a process using python. If I am just in the terminal the workflow looks like:

user:> . /path/to/env1.sh
user:> python something.py
user:> exit
user:> . /path/to/env2.sh
user:> python something2.py
user:> exit 

等更多步骤.每个 env.sh 都会生成一个新脚本,其中包含大量环境变量以及当前目录中未设置的内容.我很确定我需要使用子流程,但我不确定如何去做.理想情况下,工作流程应该是:打开新的 shell --> 运行一些命令 --> 退出 shell --> 必要时重复.

etc for a few more steps. Each env.sh spawns a new script with a whole slew of environment variables and whatnot set within the current directory. I'm pretty sure I need to use subprocess, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. Ideally the workflow would go: open new shell --> run some commands --> exit shell --> repeat as necessary.

似乎需要澄清一下.我了解如何使用 subprocess.Popen()subprocess.call() 从调用 Python 脚本的 shell 中调用事物.这不是我需要的.当一个人调用 env.sh 时,它会设置一大堆环境变量和一些其他相关的东西,然后把你放到一个 shell 中运行命令.重要的是要注意 env.sh 不会终止,直到一个类型 exit 在运行所需的命令后.使用 subprocess.call("./env.sh", shell = True) 打开 shell 并停在那里.就像输入命令 ./env.sh 一样,除了当发出 exit 命令时,其余的 python 脚本.所以:

It seems some clarification is needed. I understand how to use subprocess.Popen() and subprocess.call() to call things from within the shell that the Python script was called from. This is not what I need. When one calls env.sh it sets a whole ton of environment variables and a few other pertinent things and then drops you into a shell to run commands. It is important to note env.sh does not terminate until one types exit after running desired commands. Using subprocess.call("./env.sh", shell = True) opens the shell and stops there. It is just like entering the command ./env.sh except that when one issues the exit command, the rest of the python script. So:

subprocess.call(". /path/to/env.sh", shell = True)
subprocess.call("python something.py", shell = True)


Does NOT do what I need it to do, nor does:

p = subprocess.Popen(". /path/to/env.sh", shell = True)
subprocess.call("python something.py", shell = True)



As I understand you want to run a command and then pass it other commands:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

p = Popen("/path/to/env.sh", stdin=PIPE)   # set environment, start new shell
p.communicate("python something.py
exit") # pass commands to the opened shell



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