使用 Core Location 在 iOS 上进行室内定位 - 不准确?

本文介绍了使用 Core Location 在 iOS 上进行室内定位 - 不准确?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值


使用 WWDC 提供的示例代码,我一直在尝试编写一个简单的概念验证应用程序,用于在我的办公楼中执行室内定位.我有一个平面图图像并替换了演示代码中的标准图像.我还完成了 GPS 坐标到两个锚点像素的必要映射.

Using the sample code provided from WWDC, I've been trying to write a simple proof-of-concept app that performs indoor positioning in my office building. I have a floor plan image and replaced the standard image in the demo code. I've also done the requisite mapping of GPS coordinates to pixels for the two anchor points.

当我在模拟器中运行应用程序并指定静态 GPS 坐标时,我看到模拟器中的位置已按预期更新.然而,当我在手机上运行它时,体验并不像苹果在视频中宣传的那样无缝.在我的 iPhone 5s 上,定位无处不在,而且很少接近准确.即使坐在可以清楚地看到天空的窗户旁边,我仍然得到非常不准确的结果.

When I run the app in the simulator and specify static GPS coordinates, I see the position updated as expected in the simulator. When I run it on my phone, however, the experience isn't nearly as seamless as Apple advertised in the video. On my iPhone 5s, the positioning is all over the place, and rarely anywhere close to accurate. Even sitting next to a window with a clear line-of-sight to the sky I still get very inaccurate results.

我认为这可能与我们的物理布局、WiFi 拓扑或其他此类参数有关.但是,我还注意到 Apple 有一个门户,您可以在其中注册您的设施以用于室内定位.这与我的应用程序中的不良结果有关吗?我无法想象 Apple 将如何在这种情况下提供帮助,但我认为这可能与此有关.

I would assume that this might have something to do with our physical layout, WiFi topology, or other such parameters. However, I also noticed that Apple has a portal where you can register your facility for use with indoor positioning. Does this have something to do with the poor results in my app? I can't imagine how Apple would be able to help with such a scenario, but thought it might have something to do with it.

我还应该采取其他步骤来提高我的应用的准确性吗?有没有办法利用 iBeacons 改善室内定位?我还没有找到任何说明这一点的文档,但我想也许这里有人会知道.

Are there other steps I should take to increase the accuracy of my app? Is there a way to leverage iBeacons for improved positioning indoors? I haven't found any documentation indicating so, but thought maybe someone here would know.


没错,Apple 在 https://mapsconnect 上有可用的门户.apple.com

You're right, Apple has the portal available at https://mapsconnect.apple.com

您可以在此门户添加您的场地,Apple 将指导您进行设置.但是,您的场地必须具备以下所有属性:

At this portal you can add your venue and Apple will guide you on setting it up. However, your venue must have all of the following attributes:

  • 向公众开放
  • 年访问量超过 100 万
  • 提供完整、准确和按比例缩放的参考地图
  • 整个区域都有 Wi-Fi
  • 场地所有者授权的相关应用


If your venue has all the required attributes, then you also will need to answer these questions about your usage:

  1. 您打算如何使用室内定位?(广告、导航、交付内容)
  2. 您希望通过室内定位启用多少个场地?
  3. 您有什么类型的场地?(机场、医院、博物馆、商场、办公室)
  4. 您有什么类型的平面图?(CAD、BIM、GeoJSON、AI、PDF、PNG 等)
  5. 场馆是否配备 Wi-Fi 和/或 iBeacon?
  6. 最大的场地名称
  7. 最大的场地地址


Once you have completed the entire form and jumped through the last hoop, you will be brought to a page that confirms the details. Once done, it's all in their hands and they will contact you.

这篇关于使用 Core Location 在 iOS 上进行室内定位 - 不准确?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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