使用捆绑器时如何使用不在 Gemfile 中的 gem?

本文介绍了使用捆绑器时如何使用不在 Gemfile 中的 gem?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值


在将捆绑器用于一般项目和特定于 Rails 时,您只能访问在 Gemfile 中定义的 gem.虽然这是有道理的,但它可能是有限的.大多数情况下,当我想使用团队其他成员不使用的某个 RSpec 格式化程序时,我发现它会受到限制.除非它在 ​​Gemfile 中,否则无法访问.

When using bundler with a project in general and Rails specifically, you have access only to gems defined in your Gemfile. While this makes sense, it can be limiting. Mostly I find it limiting when I want to use a certain RSpec formatter that the rest of the team doesn't use. Unless it's in the Gemfile, it isn't accessible.

有什么办法,或者我必须将它添加到 Gemfile?

Any way around it or I have to add it to Gemfile?

更新:我的问题不是 Bundler,而是 Spork.在没有 Spork 的情况下运行 RSpec 时,我可以毫无问题地使用我想要的任何格式化程序.

Update: my problem wasn't Bundler but Spork. When running RSpec without Spork I had no problem of using whatever formatter I wanted.

更新 #2:看起来使用 Bundler 仍然是问题的原因.使用 Spork 和不使用 Spork 的区别在于,在不使用 Spork 的情况下运行 RSpec 时,它会在加载项目并进入 Bundler沙箱"之前加载格式化程序.

Update #2: it looks like that using Bundler is still the cause of the problem. The difference between using Spork and not using Spork, is that when running RSpec without Spork, it loads the formatter before loading your project and getting into the Bundler "sandbox".


$ bundle exec irb
>> require 'fivemat'
LoadError: cannot load such file -- fivemat

from (irb):1:in `require'
from (irb):1
from /Users/arikfr/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'


$ irb
>> require 'fivemat'
=> true



I assume that none of these answers have been chosen as correct because they don't do a great job of solving the problem: having additional gems that you can use that by default don't require any changes to files already in the repository to achieve. That is, you don't have to modify any files, and you don't have to live with remembering not to check in your local changes. Here's how I do it.

这个想法基本上是反转 Holger 答案的依赖关系,这样就不需要修改共享的 Gemfile.Bundler 允许指定 哪个文件用作 gemfile,但奇怪的是,记录在案的方法 显然不适用于其配置文件并且不会被修复.Bundler 有一个有点模糊的特性,即任何配置选项都可以在环境变量中设置或在命令行中传递.将所有命令运行为 bundle [command] --gemfile [yourgemfile]BUNDLE_GEMFILE="[yourgemfile]" bundle [command] 将导致 Bundler 读取您的任何 gemfile想要它.我强烈建议使用环境变量方法,并为当前会话创建别名或导出变量,特别是因为我无法将命令行开关与exec"命令一起使用.

The idea is basically inverting the dependencies of Holger's answer, such that there's no need to modify the shared Gemfile. Bundler allows one to specify which file is to be used as the gemfile, but strangely the documented methods do not apparently work with its configuration file and will not be fixed. There is a somewhat obscured feature of Bundler that any of the configuration options can be set in an environment variable or passed on the command line. Running all of your commands as bundle [command] --gemfile [yourgemfile] or BUNDLE_GEMFILE="[yourgemfile]" bundle [command] will cause Bundler to read whatever gemfile you want it to. I highly recommend using the environment variable approach, and either creating an alias or exporting the variable for your current session, particularly as I was unable to use the command line switch with the "exec" command.

因此,我像这样运行 rspec:BUNDLE_GEMFILE="[mygemfile]" bundle exec rspec [filename],我将它的第一部分别名为 bem在我的 .bashrc 中.像魅力一样工作.

Therefore, I run rspec like this: BUNDLE_GEMFILE="[mygemfile]" bundle exec rspec [filename], and I have the first part of this aliased as bem in my bashrc. Works like a charm.

然后,您应该设置您的源代码管理以忽略您的 Gemfile,无论是在项目的 .gitignore 中,还是为了保持项目完全卫生而不更改其 .gitignore,到您的个人全局忽略文件(默认情况下在 ~/.config/git/ignore 与项目的 gitignore 文件格式相同).

Then, you should setup your source control to ignore your Gemfile, either in the project's .gitignore or, to keep the project entirely hygienic without changing even its .gitignore, to your personal global ignore file (which is by default in ~/.config/git/ignore and has the same format as a project's gitignore file).

另外需要注意的是,Bundler 会根据 Gemfile 的名称创建一个锁定文件.这非常方便,因为它可以防止您在签入项目的 Gemfile.lock 时覆盖它,但您也需要忽略这个新的锁定文件.如果您的 gemfile 是 Foo.bar,请查找 Foo.bar.lock.

One other thing to note is that Bundler will create a lockfile based on the Gemfile's name. This is super handy, as it keeps you from overwriting your project's Gemfile.lock if it's checked in, but you need to ignore this new lock file as well. If your gemfile is Foo.bar, look for Foo.bar.lock.

最后,您可以在自定义 Gemfile 中执行类似于 Holger 建议的操作:

Finally, you can do something similar to Holger's suggestion in your custom Gemfile:

source "http://rubygems.org"
gem "fivemat"
instance_eval(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/Gemfile"))

只要你记得指定你的 Gemfile,你就可以开始了.

and you're good to go, as long as you remember to specify your Gemfile.

这篇关于使用捆绑器时如何使用不在 Gemfile 中的 gem?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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