



  "autoload" : {
        "psr-4" : {
            "MyMVC" : "app/"
        "classmap": [
        "files": ["app/routes.php"]


The contents of routes.php file are:

use MyMVCCoreRoute;

$route = new Route;
$route->add('/', 'HomeController@index');
$route->add('about', 'AboutController@index');
$route->add('contact', 'ContactController@index');

现在在我的 app/init.php 我正在尝试使用 $route 对象,但它给了我错误

now in my app/init.php i am trying to use the $route object but its giving me error

Notice: Undefined variable: route in /var/www/html/mymvc/app/init.php on line 29

这是我尝试使用 $route 对象的方式.

Here is how i am trying to use the $route object.

 * Constructor
 * Bootstrap our application based on the configurations provided
public function __construct()
    // require 'app/routes.php` This will work fine but it should be autoloaded

我还运行了命令 composer dump-autoload


自动加载在这里不起作用.PHP 只能自动加载类.您期望 app/routes.php 将被自动加载是不可能的,因为该文件不包含类声明,并且您无法使用以前未知的类来触发它的执行.

Autoloading won't work here. PHP can only autoload classes. Your expectation that app/routes.php will be autoloaded is not possible, because that file does not contain a class declaration, and you are not able to trigger it's execution by using a previously unknown class.

确实,当您包含 vendor/autoload.php 时,Composer 会执行该文件一次 - 但是,这确实是您的软件的不良行为.不要使用文件"自动加载来包含配置文件.请注意这在库中使用时可能会对性能产生影响.您应该完全避免使用它,它旨在用于无法正常工作的遗留代码.

It is true that Composer will execute that file once when you include vendor/autoload.php - however, this is really bad behavior of your software. Don't use the "files" autoloading to include configuration files. Mind the performance impact this may have when being used in libraries. You should avoid using it altogether, it is meant to be used for legacy code that cannot otherwise be made working.


On the other hand, your architecture is broken. You shouldn't write a class that "magically" knows about the configuration just by accessing a variable that is supposed to be initialized somewhere else. A good pattern would be to pass the configuration as a parameter to the constructor:

public function __construct ($routes)
    $this->routes = $routes;


The part of the code that creates this class is supposed to grab the configuration from somewhere and pass it as a parameter. This concept is called inversion of control or dependency injection: Classes do not invoke the other classes they need to work with, they ask for them and get them as a parameter.



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