为我的 Vaadin 网络应用程序启动和停止挂钩?

本文介绍了为我的 Vaadin 网络应用程序启动和停止挂钩?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值


我如何知道我的 Vaadin 7 Web 应用程序何时首次启动/启动,以便我可以进行一些初始设置工作?

How do I know when my Vaadin 7 web app first starting/launching, so I can do some initial set-up work?


Likewise, how do I know when my web app is ending, getting shutdown/exiting?



Vaadin 建立在 Java Servlet 技术之上.上下文"是 Servlet 术语中 Web 应用程序的技术术语.所以这里的答案不是特定于 Vaadin 的,它适用于任何 Servlet —— 归根结底,Vaadin 只是一个大的 Servlet.


Vaadin is built on top of Java Servlet technology. A "context" is the technical term for your web app in Servlet terms. So the answer here is not Vaadin-specific, it applies to any Servlet -- and at the end of the day, Vaadin is just one big Servlet.

从 Servlet 规范 2.3 版开始,一个 Servlet 容器,例如 Tomcat, Jetty 等必须承诺留意您定义为实现 ServletContextListener 接口.该接口有两个简单的方法:

Since Servlet spec version 2.3, a Servlet container such as Tomcat, Jetty, etc. must promise to be on the lookout for any Java class you define as implementing the ServletContextListener interface. That interface has two simple methods:

结束可能是由于 Servlet 容器(例如:Tomcat)正在关闭,因此所有 Web 应用程序(上下文")都将结束,或者因为只是您的 Vaadin 应用程序的上下文正在结束(如果您的 Servlet 容器支持每个上下文关闭).

The ending could be caused by the Servlet container (ex: Tomcat) is being shutdown so all the web apps ("contexts") are ending, or because just your Vaadin app’s context is ending (if your Servlet container supports per-context shutdown).

每个 Servlet 容器必须履行的契约是你的每个 ServletContextListener 类(你可以有多个)必须在任何 servlet 之前调用它的contextInitialized或过滤器执行.因此,这是进行初始化工作的最佳时机,这可能比单个 Servlet 请求-响应周期受益更多.如果您需要启动诸如 [H2 数据库) 之类的数据库,这是个好时机.如果您将一些数据加载到内存中作为缓存供 servlet 重复使用,这是一个好时机.也是测试您的应用资源的好时机,例如确定日志记录工作或某些预期文件是否到位.

The contract every Servlet container must fulfill is that each of your ServletContextListener classes (you can have more than one) must have its contextInitialized invoked before any servlet or filter executes. So this is the perfect time to do initialization work that might benefit more than a single Servlet request-response cycle. If you need to startup a database such as [H2 Database), this is a good time. If you load some data into memory as a cache to be used by the servlet(s) repeatedly, this is a good time. Also a good time to test your apps resources, to be certain logging works or certain expected files are in place, for example.

同样,每个兼容的 Servlet 容器仅在 servlet 和过滤器完成最后一次调用之后调用contextDestroyed.因此,这是关闭数据库、进行备份或执行任何其他适合您的网络应用程序的清理工作的好地方.

Likewise, every compliant Servlet container invokes contextDestroyed only after the servlet(s) and filters have finished their last invocation. So this is a good place to shutdown your database, make backups, or do any other clean-up chore appropriate to your web app.

我们正在讨论您的网络应用上下文"的生命周期.该上下文可能涉及一个或多个 servlet.上下文的这个生命周期超出了任何一个 servlet 的生命周期参与这个上下文.背景有点像蜂王,它在一个新的蜂巢中生下了她所有的雄蜂,在它们之前她生活在那里,当它们为她尽职尽责地死去时,她将比它们活得更久(如果这就是蜂巢的方式)有用吗?).

We are discussing the life cycle of your web app’s "context". That context may involve one, or more than one, servlet. This life cycle of the context goes beyond the life cycle of any one of the servlets participating in this context. The context is kinda-sorta like the queen bee who gives birth to all her drones in a new hive, where she was living before them and she will outlive them all as they die off in dutiful service to her (if that is how a hive works?).

制作一个 ServletContextListener 非常简单:用一对方法和一个注解制作一个类.

Making a ServletContextListener is quite easy: Make a class with a pair of methods plus an annotation.

添加一个新的 Java 类作为您的 Vaadin 应用程序的一部分.您可以随意命名课程.

Add a new Java class as part of your Vaadin app. You can name the class anything you want.

我将上下文侦听器添加到与我的主要 Vaadin 应用程序相同的包中 UI 类(MyUI.java 可能由您的 Vaadin 插件或 Maven 原型生成).似乎是一个自然的地方,因为上下文侦听器是我的 Vaadin 应用程序在 any 被处理之前启动的开始,而指定的 UI 类将成为我的 Vaadin 的第一部分为每个用户运行的应用.

I add my context listeners in the same package as my main Vaadin app UI class (MyUI.java may have been generated by your Vaadin plugin or by Maven archetype). Seems like a natural place as the context listener is the beginning of my Vaadin app launching before any user is handled while the designated UI class will then be the first piece of my Vaadin app being run for each user.

将您的类声明为实现 ServleContextListener.添加上面讨论的两个必需的方法;您的 IDE 可能会协助完成这项工作.

Declare your class as implementing ServleContextListener. Add the two required methods discussed above; your IDE may assist with this chore.

还有一个技巧:您必须通知 Servlet 容器有关此上下文侦听器的信息.有不止一种方法可以做到这一点,但我使用最简单的注释 @WebListener 类.

One more trick: You must inform the Servlet container about this context listener. There is more than one way to do this, but I use the simplest, an annotation @WebListener on the class.


Here is an entire example class.

package com.example.amazingapp;

import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener;

 * @author Basil Bourque
public class WebAppListener implements ServletContextListener {

    public void contextInitialized ( ServletContextEvent sce ) {
        System.out.println ( "My Vaadin web app is starting. " );

    public void contextDestroyed ( ServletContextEvent sce ) {
        System.out.println ( "My Vaadin web app is shutting down." );


这篇关于为我的 Vaadin 网络应用程序启动和停止挂钩?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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