为什么我不能引用在外部文件(绘制服务器)中定义的 SVG 线性渐变?

本文介绍了为什么我不能引用在外部文件(绘制服务器)中定义的 SVG 线性渐变?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值





  • 定义一个 SVG 符号()
  • 定义 SVG 线性渐变 ()
  • 使用 元素来引用我创建的 SVG 符号
  • 在CSS中,定义两个类:
    • external,它引用了这个外部.svg 文件(右击查看源码)
    • internal,它引用了本地 HTML 中定义的线性渐变(我相信,它实际上与外部文件中的相同)
    • defining an SVG symbol (<symbol>)
    • defining an SVG linear gradient (<linearGradient>)
    • using the <use> element to reference the SVG symbol I've created
    • in the CSS, defining two classes:
      • external, which references the linear gradient defined in this external .svg file (right click and view source)
      • internal, which references the linear gradient defined in the local HTML (which is, I believe, effectively identical to the one in the external file)

      因为我已将 internal 类应用于 HTML 示例底部的 <svg> 元素,所以应用了渐变,呈现蓝色渐变复选标记.这就是我所追求的.

      Because I've applied the internal class to the <svg> element at the bottom of the HTML example, the gradient is applied, rendering a blue gradient checkmark. That's what I'm after.

      但是,如果您将 HTML 示例中的 internal 类切换为 external,则复选标记将不再可见:

      But, if you switch the internal class to external in the HTML example, the checkmark is no longer visible:


      当我查看 Chrome Inspector 的网络"选项卡时,我根本看不到浏览器尝试加载 SVG 文件.是我的语法有问题,还是有其他问题?

      When I watch Chrome Inspector's "Network" tab, I don't see the browser trying to load the SVG file at all. Is there a problem with my syntax, or is something else going on here?


      It at least looks like I'm doing this right, based on a few references I've found:

      但是,到目前为止,我所尝试的任何方法都不允许我引用外部 .svg 文件中定义的线性渐变.

      But, nothing I've tried so far has allowed me to reference a linear gradient defined in an external .svg file.




      After more research, it looks like this is a browser support issue. See:

      遗憾的是,在发布我的问题之前,我遇到了这个问题,并且在 5-1 中确实认为/2 年,浏览器支持会迎头赶上 - 但情况似乎并非如此.

      Sadly, I'd come across this question before posting mine, and had thought that surely, in 5-1/2 years, browser support would have caught up - but that doesn't appear to be the case.

      截至 2015 年,显然 Firefox 和 Opera 是仅有的两种以任何实质性方式支持此功能的浏览器.

      As of 2015, apparently Firefox and Opera are the only two browsers to support this in any substantial way.


      这篇关于为什么我不能引用在外部文件(绘制服务器)中定义的 SVG 线性渐变?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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