
我试图用这行代码创建一个自定义角色。但问题是,当我创建一个没有名字的角色时。然后,当我去编辑它时,我被引导到一个错误页面,上面说\"请求编辑的角色不存在。\"我无法删除该角色。我只想摆脱我创造的角色。我可以让代码运行写,但这个代码给了我破碎的角色。我正在使用一个表单插件,它从前端填充自定义字段,因此当您点击submit时,它将运行下面的代码。 function wpufe_update_post_price( $post_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, \"manager_password\",> I\"m not sure it\"s possible to create a role with no name. Its data may be corrupted such that the related UI does not function correctly, but AFAIK there has to be a name. Anyway, you could use some custom PHP code to get the \"wp_user_roles\" option. Var_dump the returned array and determine the array key used for the offending role (the role\"s actual name slug). Unset the offending array element, then save the remaining array back to the option. I recommend backing up the options table, or at least that one option before making such a low level change. Don\"t attempt to directly alter the option value through phpMyAdmin, the data structure used is generally too finicky to allow for successful manual editing. A bit off topic, but it doesn\"t seem correct to create specifically named roles and users every time the \"wpufe_update_post_price\" fires. Addition of the same role and users will be attempted any time any post\"s price is updated, when the addition only needs to be done once. Adding persistent data like roles and users is typically done only once when the related plugin is activated. Even then, it\"s good practice to verify such role and users do not exist before trying to add them. @bcworkz so I should make a custom code that gets an array of all the roles finds the ones I want to delete and delete them thru custom code. Also the code above isn\"t finished for each role or user it will be name manager, name sever, etc. That\"s what I suggest. The code ought to be somewhere you can manually control. I like to use a custom page template tied to a single page for things like that. Name the template file following the formats 1-3 outlined in the Theme Handbook. You can start with a copy of your theme\"s general singular templates (files 4-6 in the above link). Make it a private page to keep search bots from trying to use it. I figured it is a work in progress, that\"s fine, but I still question if you\"d want to create new roles and users every time a post\"s price is updated, regardless of their names. If that\"s really what you want, so be it, it\"s your site, not mine @bcworkz So i got it working and deleted the roles I wanted. Then I went back edited the code a little and most of the time I get a role that has a display name but still sometimes when I use the code below I still get a blank display name. I am also unable to delete the new roles = lcfirst($role);add_role( $role, __( $name ), get_role ( \"restaurant_template\" )->capabilities ); 与之前一样,我解决了旧角色的删除问题,但这次我无法使其正常工作。角色将不再删除。我已尝试将removeu role($role)替换为removeu role(\"role to delete\"),但无效。我不知道发生了什么,但我只调用了add role来创建一个角色。 @bcworkz我发现,如果我创建了一个表单,并且餐厅名称中有一个空格,比如\"big boy\",那么它就不能用作显示名称。如果它是\"大男孩\",它会工作。我不知道为什么。但是我尝试添加下面的代码来去掉空格,但是仍然留下一个空白角色> translateu useru role()做什么?我想这是你麻烦的根源。这不起作用:**1***。转换方案只适用于固定字符串,而不适用于变量。而且翻译是预先编译好的,你不能像我想的那样即时翻译。 @bcworkz所以只调用translateu useru角色来呼应名称。我不相信它对变量有什么影响。但我会删除它然后再试。我还要重新编写它,因为add_role( $role, ( $name ), get_role ( \"restaurant_template\" )->capabilities ); @bcworkz没有删除角色。我不知道是什么原因造成了这些坏消息,这个回复是5个月前,2个星期前被lex713修改的,可能是名字中有一个奇怪的字符导致了通常的删除方法的失败?IDK公司。尝试我最初建议的低级方法: …获取\"wpu useru roles\"选项。Varu转储返回的数组并确定用于违规角色的数组键(角色的实际名称slug)。取消设置有问题的数组元素,然后将剩余的数组保存回选项。 如果要将所有角色重置回默认值,可以从干净的安装中获取选项值的副本,并通过phpMyAdmin的两个实例将其复制到站点。一个用于清洁站点,另一个用于您的站点


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