
到目前为止,我一直在使用这个整洁的小代码片段来显示相邻的帖子(即与当前帖子在同一个类别中的帖子)。 它是由代码taked> 制成的,看起来像这样,并且做得很好: cat_ID, $categories)) { => tag1+tag2,\"orderby\"=> I\"m running now this template on a 3.1-beta1 test site, and I notice that this snipped doesn\"t output anything at all. It doesn\"t give any error message either. The resulting HTML code from the function above: Any idea what\"s going on? An unpatched 3.1-beta bug, or a deprecated function? As an aside, it would be great if we could find in the Codex documentation more concrete examples of \"how to get things done\", which would be trusted methods that won\"t become invalidated by updates. Examples of such functions that come to my mind: – Displaying image-attachments in a custom manner. The best sample code that I found so far is not in the codex, but in this blog: http://digwp.com/2009/08/awesome-image-attachment-recipes-for-wordpress/ – Creating a simple breadcrumb trail. The solution I used until now was based on this: http://dimox.net/wordpress-breadcrumbs-without-a-plugin/ — it doesn\"t work in the latest 3.1-beta. – Displaying posts that share the same parent categories as the current post. The solution I used until now: see above. Broken by 3.1-beta. In other words: I certainly do appreciate the diversity of the WordPress eco-system, but sometimes I wish there would be a more centralized \"cook-book\" where theme developers can look for tested, documented and reliable recipes, rather than finding 10 different custom solutions that may or may not be future-proof… Or maybe I should urge the authors of the above solutions to integrate their examples into the Codex, and see what happens ? Just a quick observation: If I wanted to get the next/previous posts, I would try with built-in WP functions first.I would start with> Now I have the two adjacents posts in the same category, and can go on to do what I want with them.Say: if ($prev_in_cat) echo $prev_in_cat->ID . \"\";if ($next_in_cat) echo $next_in_cat->ID . \"\"; getu previousu post()和getu nextu post()在WP中已经有很长一段时间了,它们在内联和法典中都有记录,我可以使用它们而不必担心兼容性。 一般来说,当我不知道WP是否为我想要的东西提供内置功能时,我会说: http://phpdoc.wordpress.org/trunk/ …并搜索函数或API是否已经存在;函数和类名在大多数情况下是不言自明的。 感谢Demetris的观察。内置的\"next/prev\"函数确实很有用,上面的小调整可能非常实用。但在某些情况下,例如一个CMS类的网站,强烈依赖于类别,有必要能够显示一个完整的类别列表。 我不知道phpdoc子网站,所以谢谢你让我知道! 关于我提到的WP 3.1问题,看起来它们都与影响get_category功能的修改有关…请参阅http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15442所以我想我们只能拭目以待了。 啊哈!这就解释了谢谢。谢谢用于指出问题。 损坏的功能是有文档记录的功能,因此,我想,迟早会提供修复。 干杯! 很高兴看到这些问题已经在今天的3.1-beta1-16884中解决了!


do_action( "admin_action_{$_REQUEST[‘action’]}" )动作钩子::在发送“Action”请求变量时激发。Action Hook: Fires when an ‘action’ request variable is sent.目录锚点:#说明#源码说明(Description)钩子名称的动态部分$_REQUEST['action']引用从GET或POST请求派生的操作。源码(Source)更新版本源码位置使用被使用2.6.0 wp-admin/admin.php:...

日期:2020-09-02 17:44:16 浏览:1164


do_action( "admin_footer-{$GLOBALS[‘hook_suffix’]}", string $hook_suffix )操作挂钩:在默认页脚脚本之后打印脚本或数据。Action Hook: Print scripts or data after the default footer scripts.目录锚点:#说明#参数#源码说明(Description)钩子名的动态部分,$GLOBALS['hook_suffix']引用当前页的全局钩子后缀。参数(Parameters)参数类...

日期:2020-09-02 17:44:20 浏览:1067


do_action( "customize_save_{$this->id_data[‘base’]}", WP_Customize_Setting $this )动作钩子::在调用WP_Customize_Setting::save()方法时激发。Action Hook: Fires when the WP_Customize_Setting::save() method is called.目录锚点:#说明#参数#源码说明(Description)钩子名称的动态部分,$this->id_data...

日期:2020-08-15 15:47:24 浏览:803


apply_filters( "customize_value_{$this->id_data[‘base’]}", mixed $default )过滤器::过滤未作为主题模式或选项处理的自定义设置值。Filter Hook: Filter a Customize setting value not handled as a theme_mod or option.目录锚点:#说明#参数#源码说明(Description)钩子名称的动态部分,$this->id_date['base'],指的是设置...

日期:2020-08-15 15:47:24 浏览:893


过滤钩子:过滤评论作者的URL。Filter Hook: Filters the comment author’s URL.目录锚点:#源码源码(Source)更新版本源码位置使用被使用 wp-includes/comment-template.php:32610...

日期:2020-08-10 23:06:14 浏览:928


do_action( "network_admin_edit_{$_GET[‘action’]}" )操作挂钩:启动请求的处理程序操作。Action Hook: Fires the requested handler action.目录锚点:#说明#源码说明(Description)钩子名称的动态部分$u GET['action']引用请求的操作的名称。源码(Source)更新版本源码位置使用被使用3.1.0 wp-admin/network/edit.php:3600...

日期:2020-08-02 09:56:09 浏览:874


apply_filters( "network_sites_updated_message_{$_GET[‘updated’]}", string $msg )筛选器挂钩:在网络管理中筛选特定的非默认站点更新消息。Filter Hook: Filters a specific, non-default site-updated message in the Network admin.目录锚点:#说明#参数#源码说明(Description)钩子名称的动态部分$_GET['updated']引用了非默认的...

日期:2020-08-02 09:56:03 浏览:860


过滤器::过滤在访问数据库之前是否初始化站点的检查。Filter Hook: Filters the check for whether a site is initialized before the database is accessed.目录锚点:#源码源码(Source)更新版本源码位置使用被使用 wp-includes/ms-site.php:93910...

日期:2020-07-29 10:15:38 浏览:829

WordPress 的SEO 教学:如何在网站中加入关键字(Meta Keywords)与Meta 描述(Meta Description)?

你想在WordPress 中添加关键字和meta 描述吗?关键字和meta 描述使你能够提高网站的SEO。在本文中,我们将向你展示如何在WordPress 中正确添加关键字和meta 描述。为什么要在WordPress 中添加关键字和Meta 描述?关键字和说明让搜寻引擎更了解您的帖子和页面的内容。关键词是人们寻找您发布的内容时,可能会搜索的重要词语或片语。而Meta Description则是对你的页面和文章的简要描述。如果你想要了解更多关于中继标签的资讯,可以参考Google的说明。Meta 关键字和描...

日期:2020-10-03 21:18:25 浏览:1710


SEO (Search Engine Optimization)中文是搜寻引擎最佳化,意思近于「关键字自然排序」、「网站排名优化」。简言之,SEO是以搜索引擎(如Google、Bing)为曝光媒体的行销手法。例如搜寻「wordpress教学」,会看到本站的「WordPress教学:12个课程…」排行Google第一:关键字:wordpress教学、wordpress课程…若搜寻「网站架设」,则会看到另一个网页排名第1:关键字:网站架设、架站…以上两个网页,每月从搜寻引擎导入自然流量,达2万4千:每月「有机搜...

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