
我想在我的网站上建立一个博客,像/blog这样的东西可以访问。 所有的文件都按照指示上传到公共的html上。 然后我意识到我两者都有索引.html(原件)和索引.php在同一个文件夹中。我正在考虑将所有WordPress文件移到一个子文件夹中,因为我似乎无法从尝试中得到任何响应http://www.<;mydomain>;.co.uk/index.php 我找错树了吗? - 这个主题是4年4个月前由pinnerite修改的。 您可以索引.html以及索引.php在同一个文件夹中,仍然可以访问其中一个,并且当其中一个不是浏览器。如果你确实把你的WordPress移到了一个子文件夹,但仍然希望能够访问索引.html在\"root\"中,则我相信子文件夹名称将始终需要显示在浏览器地址栏中。 - 此答复是4年4个月前由leejosepho修改的。 谢谢。 因此当我输入时http://www.<;mydomain&;gt;.co.uk/wp公司-管理员我应该得到一个登录页面,但我没有得到任何有意义的回应。 似乎我对wp的编辑肯定有问题-配置.php. 回来之前我会仔细检查一下cPanel。 我想问题很可能是我没有正确输入数据库服务器名。 在DBu主机上,我输入了我的机器的主机名。 我刚在$hostname检查过它 应该还有更多吗? 这是我自己的一个wp的例子-配置.php文件: /** Select MySQL Database **/define(\"DB_NAME\", \"mydbname\");define(\"DB_USER\", \"mydbuser\");define(\"DB_PASSWORD\", \"mydbpassword\");/*** MySQL hostname */define(\"DB_HOST\", \"localhost\");/* Database Charset */define(\"DB_CHARSET\", \"utf8\"); 数据库名称、用户和密码必须与服务器上的任何内容匹配,\"localhost\"是我唯一用过的任何地方。然后呢在wp中进一步-配置.php是您的数据库必须有表前缀的地方: /** Database Table_Prefix> - This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by leejosepho. - This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by leejosepho. - This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by leejosepho. - This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by leejosepho. I always change my hostname so as to identify every machine on my LAN so that is not the cause of my problem. The table_prefix is the default -> wp_ I have checked and triple-checked the other entries,I think the time has come to raise the issue with my hosting provider Nativespace. Presumably it is their MySql server and that my have issues at the moment. So did go through the actual install process on the root directory? Just asking since you mentioned that you wanted to move the installation to /blog. Also what message are you seeing when you go to /wp-admin? No the install process was handled via me as the user. Since you confirmed that I need not move the files to a separate folder I left them on my hosting provider\"s /public_html folder. When I go to my domain\"s /wp-admin from Google I get an apparently random return from a Google search. However, something niggles me. When I accessed MySQL to create the database it was handled via cPanel which would be addressing the facilities allocated to me by Nativespace and not MySQL on my demestic machine. Indeed at this stage I do not even have MySQL (or MariaDB) installed on my machine. So what is DB_HOST supposed to be pointing to? What is its purpose? Are you trying to make a local installation (your own machine) or an installation at your host (an online server)?If you are trying to make your local machine into an online server, you would need to begin there and then later add WordPress. Edit: If you are trying to make a local installation, here is the simplest way: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html - This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by leejosepho. No my existing domain is hosted on Nativespace. It is to /public_html on my section of their server to which I have uploaded the WordPress files. For DB_HOST I have tried assigning \"albury.asandco\" (my machine\"s hostname but have since switched to \"localhost\". Neither produce anything different. I certainly cannot get a login panel. Although I can access my website at the moment, I cannot access Nativespace in order to seek advice from them. Neither the .com or .co.uk sites. I am no expert at all of this, but I have several domains working at my online host and I also have just copied one site into Xampp and have it running on my local machine.Overall, here is where I do not understand what you are trying to do: When I accessed MySQL to create the database it was handled via cPanel which would be addressing the facilities allocated to me by Nativespace and not MySQL on my domestic machine. Indeed at this stage I do not even have MySQL (or MariaDB) installed on my machine. So what is DB_HOST supposed to be pointing to? What is its purpose? What do you mean by \"domestic machine\"?I hear that as your \"local machine\" there at home or in your office or wherever, and there is no reason for it to be involved in any of this other than for using its browser and editors to access and fix or customize the site at your online host.Also, a link to your site would be helpful here. - This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by leejosepho. Thanks for responding. Yes by domestic machine, I meant the local machine from which I access my domain. My web site is: http://www.asandco.co.uk That link goes to your non-WordPress site at your domain, so the link that would be helpful here would be http://www.asandco.co.uk/blog/或http://www.asandco.co.uk/wordpress/或任何您的WordPress文件夹和文件所在的地方位于那一点,如果你已经有了一个工作表,像http://www.asandco.co.uk/wordpress/wp-admin/这样的东西应该会让你进入一个登录页面安装。还有,您的本地计算机不需要任何与WordPress.WordPress只需处理和满足浏览器对其数据库和wp内容文件夹和文件中的网站内容的请求。 - 此回复已修改4年,4个月前,作者leejosepho。 在Nativespace,WordPress文件与我的网站的文件位于/publicuHTML上。 http://www.asandco.co.uk/wp-admin/ 让我进入一个新安装的登录屏幕(昨天甚至没有这样做),但我已经创建了第一部分,包括通过cPanel. 您可以编辑wp-配置.php要使用数据库,WordPress目前无法找到或只是完成安装,然后稍后更改数据库…这是我可能会做的。 谢谢。我会照你的建议去做


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