
wp_salt( string $scheme = 'auth' )

Returns a salt to add to hashes.



盐是使用密钥创建的。密钥位于两个位置:数据库和wp中-配置.php文件。数据库中的密钥是随机生成的,并将附加到wp中的密钥中-配置.php. wp中的密钥-配置.php应更新为强、随机密钥,以最大限度地提高安全性。下面是如何定义密钥常量的示例。不要将此示例直接粘贴到wp中-配置.php. 相反,为您创建一个密钥。define('AUTH_KEY','XakmM%G4Yt>f`z]MON');define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY','LzJ}op]mr | 6+![P}Ak:uNdJCJZd>(Hx.-Mh#Tz)pCIU#uGEnfFz | f;;eU%/U^O~');define('LOGGED_IN_KEY','| i | Ux`9z7X>QYR0Z_XnZ@|';define('AUTH_SALT','eZyT)-Naw]F8CwA*VaW |)g@o公司}||wf~@C-YSt}(dh_6ebi#A,y | nU2{B#JBW');define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT','!=oLUTXh,QW=H`}`L|9/^4-3 STz},T(w}w*c(u`g~EJBf#8u#R{mUEZrozmm');define('NONCE_SALT','h`gxhd>SLWVfg1(1(n{;.V!教育部(SfbA U ksP@&`+Aychccav$+?@3q+rxV{%^VyKT');对存储了常用字典字符串哈希值的工具,salt密码有助于防止这些工具。这些附加值使其更难破解。


$scheme (string) 身份验证方案(身份验证、安全验证、已登录、当前)


 * Get salt to add to hashes.
 * Salts are created using secret keys. Secret keys are located in two places:
 * in the database and in the wp-config.php file. The secret key in the database
 * is randomly generated and will be appended to the secret keys in wp-config.php.
 * The secret keys in wp-config.php should be updated to strong, random keys to maximize
 * security. Below is an example of how the secret key constants are defined.
 * Do not paste this example directly into wp-config.php. Instead, have a
 * {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ secret key created} just
 * for you.
 *     define('AUTH_KEY',         ' Xakm<>M%G4Yt>f`z]MON');
 *     define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'LzJ}op]mr|6+![P}Ak:uNdJCJZd>(Hx.-Mh#Tz)pCIU#uGEnfFz|f ;;eU%/U^O~');
 *     define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    '|i|Ux`9z7X>QYR0Z_XnZ@|');
 *     define('AUTH_SALT',        'eZyT)-Naw]F8CwA*VaW#q*|.)g@o}||wf~@C-YSt}(dh_r6EbI#A,y|nU2{B#JBW');
 *     define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '!=oLUTXh,QW=H `}`L|9/^4-3 STz},T(w}W<><+=ukr:>*c(u`g~EJBf#8u#R{mUEZrozmm');
 *     define('NONCE_SALT',       'h`GXHhD>SLWVfg1(1(N{;.V!MoE(SfbA_ksP@&`+AycHcAV$+?@3q+rxV{%^VyKT');
 * Salting passwords helps against tools which has stored hashed values of
 * common dictionary strings. The added values makes it harder to crack.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ Create secrets for wp-config.php
 * @staticvar array $cached_salts
 * @staticvar array $duplicated_keys
 * @param string $scheme Authentication scheme (auth, secure_auth, logged_in, nonce)
 * @return string Salt value
function wp_salt( $scheme = 'auth' ) {
	static $cached_salts = array();
	if ( isset( $cached_salts[ $scheme ] ) ) {
		 * Filter the WordPress salt.
		 * @since 2.5.0
		 * @param string $cached_salt Cached salt for the given scheme.
		 * @param string $scheme      Authentication scheme. Values include 'auth',
		 *                            'secure_auth', 'logged_in', and 'nonce'.
		return apply_filters( 'salt', $cached_salts[ $scheme ], $scheme );

	static $duplicated_keys;
	if ( null === $duplicated_keys ) {
		$duplicated_keys = array( 'put your unique phrase here' => true );
		foreach ( array( 'AUTH', 'SECURE_AUTH', 'LOGGED_IN', 'NONCE', 'SECRET' ) as $first ) {
			foreach ( array( 'KEY', 'SALT' ) as $second ) {
				if ( ! defined( "{$first}_{$second}" ) ) {
				$value = constant( "{$first}_{$second}" );
				$duplicated_keys[ $value ] = isset( $duplicated_keys[ $value ] );

	$values = array(
		'key' => '',
		'salt' => ''
	if ( defined( 'SECRET_KEY' ) && SECRET_KEY && empty( $duplicated_keys[ SECRET_KEY ] ) ) {
		$values['key'] = SECRET_KEY;
	if ( 'auth' == $scheme && defined( 'SECRET_SALT' ) && SECRET_SALT && empty( $duplicated_keys[ SECRET_SALT ] ) ) {
		$values['salt'] = SECRET_SALT;

	if ( in_array( $scheme, array( 'auth', 'secure_auth', 'logged_in', 'nonce' ) ) ) {
		foreach ( array( 'key', 'salt' ) as $type ) {
			$const = strtoupper( "{$scheme}_{$type}" );
			if ( defined( $const ) && constant( $const ) && empty( $duplicated_keys[ constant( $const ) ] ) ) {
				$values[ $type ] = constant( $const );
			} elseif ( ! $values[ $type ] ) {
				$values[ $type ] = get_site_option( "{$scheme}_{$type}" );
				if ( ! $values[ $type ] ) {
					$values[ $type ] = wp_generate_password( 64, true, true );
					update_site_option( "{$scheme}_{$type}", $values[ $type ] );
	} else {
		if ( ! $values['key'] ) {
			$values['key'] = get_site_option( 'secret_key' );
			if ( ! $values['key'] ) {
				$values['key'] = wp_generate_password( 64, true, true );
				update_site_option( 'secret_key', $values['key'] );
		$values['salt'] = hash_hmac( 'md5', $scheme, $values['key'] );

	$cached_salts[ $scheme ] = $values['key'] . $values['salt'];

	/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/pluggable.php */
	return apply_filters( 'salt', $cached_salts[ $scheme ], $scheme );

if ( !function_exists('wp_hash') ) :
更新版本 源码位置 使用 被使用
2.5.0 wp-includes/pluggable.php 3 1


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