
update_blog_details( int $blog_id, array $details = array() )

Update the details for a blog. Updates the blogs table for a given blog id.



$blog_id (int) 博客ID。
$details (array) 由blogs表字段名键控的详细信息数组。


 * Update the details for a blog. Updates the blogs table for a given blog id.
 * @since MU
 * @global wpdb $wpdb
 * @param int   $blog_id Blog ID
 * @param array $details Array of details keyed by blogs table field names.
 * @return bool True if update succeeds, false otherwise.
function update_blog_details( $blog_id, $details = array() ) {
	global $wpdb;

	if ( empty($details) )
		return false;

	if ( is_object($details) )
		$details = get_object_vars($details);

	$current_details = get_blog_details($blog_id, false);
	if ( empty($current_details) )
		return false;

	$current_details = get_object_vars($current_details);

	$details = array_merge($current_details, $details);
	$details['last_updated'] = current_time('mysql', true);

	$update_details = array();
	$fields = array( 'site_id', 'domain', 'path', 'registered', 'last_updated', 'public', 'archived', 'mature', 'spam', 'deleted', 'lang_id');
	foreach ( array_intersect( array_keys( $details ), $fields ) as $field ) {
		if ( 'path' === $field ) {
			$details[ $field ] = trailingslashit( '/' . trim( $details[ $field ], '/' ) );

		$update_details[ $field ] = $details[ $field ];

	$result = $wpdb->update( $wpdb->blogs, $update_details, array('blog_id' => $blog_id) );

	if ( false === $result )
		return false;

	// If spam status changed, issue actions.
	if ( $details['spam'] != $current_details['spam'] ) {
		if ( $details['spam'] == 1 ) {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'spam'.
			 * @since MU
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'make_spam_blog', $blog_id );
		} else {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'ham'.
			 * @since MU
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'make_ham_blog', $blog_id );

	// If mature status changed, issue actions.
	if ( $details['mature'] != $current_details['mature'] ) {
		if ( $details['mature'] == 1 ) {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'mature'.
			 * @since 3.1.0
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'mature_blog', $blog_id );
		} else {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'unmature'.
			 * @since 3.1.0
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'unmature_blog', $blog_id );

	// If archived status changed, issue actions.
	if ( $details['archived'] != $current_details['archived'] ) {
		if ( $details['archived'] == 1 ) {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'archived'.
			 * @since MU
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'archive_blog', $blog_id );
		} else {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'unarchived'.
			 * @since MU
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'unarchive_blog', $blog_id );

	// If deleted status changed, issue actions.
	if ( $details['deleted'] != $current_details['deleted'] ) {
		if ( $details['deleted'] == 1 ) {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'deleted'.
			 * @since 3.5.0
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'make_delete_blog', $blog_id );
		} else {
			 * Fires when the blog status is changed to 'undeleted'.
			 * @since 3.5.0
			 * @param int $blog_id Blog ID.
			do_action( 'make_undelete_blog', $blog_id );

	if ( isset( $details['public'] ) ) {
		switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
		update_option( 'blog_public', $details['public'] );


	return true;
更新版本 源码位置 使用 被使用
MU (3.0.0) wp-includes/ms-blogs.php 8 4


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